July Market Report 2024

United Fresh News


Summer is here and what better to celebrate than a plate of seasonal delights!

We will never stop banging on about seasonality, and summer is no exception. Our depots are abundant with colour and quality, from fresh Crab to Strawberries and Cream for watching Wimbledon. You order the product, and we’ll source it as locally as possible for you! (Just a reminder that our average distance from depot to your door is 31 miles… so pretty local if you ask us)

Another benefit to summer is that our Vegucation events are ramping up. We’ve held several education-based events in the last few weeks alone. However, we also offer workplace-based sessions, completely tailored for your clientele.

Get in touch here with your team today to organise one for your site. Our team love to chat about our passion for food, seasonality and how your food gets from the field (or sea) to your plate. So get us booked in whilst we still have slots available!

July Market Information


Fresh Produce Highlights:

There has been non-stop talk about root vegetables for the past nine months, and it looks like that’s not quite over yet. We are still awaiting the New Season Potatoes to come out of the ground, which we hope will alleviate the situation Northern Europe is facing.

Koffmans are also awaiting the new season crop and have decided to only supply Brushed Blues (instead of washed) until the new season starts in the next three weeks. This is to preserve quality, as washing removes the natural protective barrier of the potato, making it more susceptible to damage. However, are still supplying their regular range of prepped products.

During July, we are starting to say goodbye to a few of our favourites, such as Asparagus and Jersey Royals. However, we welcome with open arms the likes of Runner & Broad Beans, Variegated Kale, Rainbow Chard, and many others.

UK salad production is in full gear and we are seeing amazing quality and quantity of Iceberg, Little Gem, Cos, Lollo Biondi, Red Oak, Frisse and Prepped Bags too.

British Strawberries and Raspberries are also in full swing and, as always, a fan favourite. They are already flying off the shelves during Wimbledon. Who wouldn’t enjoy a bowl of local strawberries and Cream?

We’re seeing low production in Cucumbers due to the high price of replantings and lower light levels, however, this should be resolved in the upcoming weeks and you shouldn’t see much change in supply.

Although the UK season for Tenderstem Broccoli has started, the majority is still being imported from Kenya. We will have to wait until the UK is in full swing for consistent UK-origin produce.

We’re still seeing some issues with whole-head Broccoli and Cauliflower, as mentioned in our last communication. Supply is limited, and the quality of what is available is poor. We are hoping to see an improvement later in July.

Our EU colleagues are sending over some fantastic products, our favourites this month being Round Courgettes from Holland, and Rainbow Radish from France.

Isle of Wight are still producing their infamous Heritage & Vine Tomatoes, but we’re also seeing strong quality from Holland and Belgium too.


Fish Highlights:

The Marine Conservation Society (MCS) has released their Spring Rating Review. We’ve got some exciting products coming into summer for our fishmongers, which are highly rated in their Good Fish Guide. For the UK, Arctic Char, Native & Pacific Oysters, and Rainbow Trout are some great quality products. Flatfish is also in its prime; products such as Dover Sole, Plaice, and Lemon Sole are a must-have!

We’re seeing some tightening of supply with Cod due to the USA banning Russian-origin fish, which means they are pulling from a different (mind our pun) pool than usual. At this moment, the UK has not banned Russian-origin fish, but will we follow?

The latest minimum wage increase has affected everyone, but fish processing facilities are feeling the pressure more than usual, which will likely mean an increase that will be passed up the supply chain in the future.



Overall, it’s clear that the whole industry is still facing challenges, but nonetheless, there are lots of positives to shout about and look forward to during our sunny summer days.

Our team is always here for any questions or queries you may have about any of the information in this report.

Seasonality Information

Now onto the fun bit…!


This month we’ve provided a printable PDF for your team to place in key areas of the workplace, click here to download for free now!

For any questions regarding the above, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today:

Tel: 01789 339 106

Email: customerservices@unitedfresh.co.uk

We’re passionate about seasonal produce




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